5 minute read

The days between Thanksgiving and the New Year can be a dizzying haze. Outside your window, you see lights wrap around decorated houses, their brightness compensating for an early setting sun. It reminds you of home, where savoury and sweet scents saturate the air from early afternoon until late in the night—hot chocolate, fresh rice, aunty’s curry, and whatever everyone is bringing for the family party. Any other time of the year you would jump at the opportunity to visit family, but you feel a weight press against your chest. You feel dread as you stare at the gifts and money packets you prepared for all your nieces and nephews. An uninviting winter chill penetrates your bones. You can’t get out of bed. Everything feels like an attack to your senses. You ignore your parents’ calls.


As an Asian living in the US, it can be difficult to take the impact of these experiences seriously. If you were brought up in a culture that stigmatizes mental health and prioritizes stoicism, it might seem silly to not be able to get over things so inconsequential. You think: it’s probably the winter blues or stress. But it might be something else you’ve heard others talk about: Seasonal Affective Disorder.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a “recurrent mood disorder in which depressive episodes regularly begin in one season and remit in another season” (Kasof, 2009, p. 79). Commonly referred to as “SAD,” it also goes by other names, including “seasonal depression” and “winter depression.” Approximately 5% of people living in the United States experience SAD (Mental Health America, n.d.).  

Though it is often associated with fall and winter months (termed winter-SAD), SAD has also been observed in the spring and summer months (termed summer-SAD) (Kasof, 2009, p. 79). Symptoms for winter-SAD include loss of drive and energy, prolonged sleep, increased food intake (Rothenberg et al., 2004, p. 209), among others. Summer-SAD can also manifest in a similar fashion, though for those managing bipolar disorders, spring and summer months may also see manic or hypomanic episodes (American Psychiatric Association, 2013 via Rothenberg et al., 2004, p. 209).

Who is at risk for Seasonal Affective Disorder?

Though SAD is aptly named after its main diagnostic characteristic, several studies shine light on factors that correlate with its occurrence. Studies have looked at patterns that factor in geography, climate and culture, and found that people are possibly more at risk if they:

  • Have moved to a new country within the past 10 years (Kurata et al., 2016, p. 7)
  • Are already experiencing mental distress (Saheer et al., 2013, p. 241)
  • Live in high latitude (non-equatorial) areas with limited exposure to sunlight (Haggarty et al., 2002, p. 382; Kurata et al., 2016, p. 6; Stewart et al., 2014, p. 518)

 For many in the Asian American community, these risk factors are common aspects of lived experiences. According to the Pew Research Center, 54% of 24 million Asian Americans living in the U.S. immigrated to the country (Tian et al., 2024). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health (n.d.) states that 10.2% of the Asian American population over the age of 18 experienced serious psychological distress in 2023 – a big jump from 1.9% in 2018.

Culturally informed practices to protect against Seasonal Affective Disorder

Being in community and maintaining socializing activities (Kurata et al., 2016, p. 7), exercising, and being outdoors (Rothenberg et al., 2024, pp. 216-217) have been observed to provide benefits for those experiencing SAD. While studies around SAD often focus on treating geographic and climate factors through increased sun exposure through travel and light therapies (Rothenberg et al., 2024, p. 214), these solutions are not 100% effective and may not be accessible for those with limited resources. 

Cultural factors were consistent considerations in studies, often referring to the impact cultural and social norms have over the perception of mental health and treatment. While it is important to not self-diagnose, solutions can be hard to find if the problem can’t be recognized in the first place. Identifying, understanding and being able to articulate your experiences can help with finding the right support. Choosing to work with a culturally-sensitive professional can make a huge impact, especially at times of crisis.

This is why we at AMHC emphasize the importance of ensuring diversity in therapeutic practice. For those looking to connect to an Asian therapist, we’ve compiled a list of practitioners across America in our directory.

For those in need, we also run applications throughout the year for free therapy sessions through our Lotus Therapy Fund.


American Psychiatric Association. (n.d.). Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/seasonal-affective-disorder 

Bodden, S., Lorimer, H., Parr, H., & Williams, C. (2024). SAD geographies: Making light matter. Progress in Human Geography, 48(5), 595-613. https://doi.org/10.1177/03091325241252846 

Boldschmied, J. R., Palermo, E., Sperry, S., Burgess, H. J., McCarthy, M., Yocum, A., McInnis, M., & German, P. (2025). Seasonal variation in mood among individuals with and without bipolar disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 369, 1131-1135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2024.10.101 

Chen, Z., Zhang, X., & Tu, Z. (2024). Treatment measures for seasonal affective disorder: A network meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 350, 531-536. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2024.01.028 

Haggarty, J. M., Cernovsky, Z., Husni, M., Minor, K., Kermeen, P., & Merskey, H. (2002). Seasonal affective disorder in an Arctic community. Acta Psychiatric Scandinavica, 105(5), 378-384. https://doi.org/10.1034/j.1600-0447.2002.1o185.x

Jack, R. H., Joseph, R. M., Hollis, C., Hippisley-Cox, J., Butler, D., Waldram, D., & Coupland, C. (2023). Seasonal trends in antidepressant prescribing, depression, anxiety and self-harm in adolescents and young adults: an open cohort study using English primary care data. BMJ Mental Health, 26(1), 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjment-2023-300855 

Kasof, J. (2009). Cultural variation in seasonal depression: Cross-national differences in winter versus summer patterns of seasonal affective disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 115(1-2), 79-86. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2008.09.004 

Kurata, Y., Izawa, S., & Nomura, S. (2016). Seasonality in mood and behaviours of Japanese residents in high-latitude regions: transnational cross-sectional study. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 10:33. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13030-016-0084-2 

Mental Health America. (n.d.). Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). https://mhanational.org/conditions/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad 

Rothenberg, M., Nussbaumer-Streit, B., Pjrek, E., & Winkler, D. (2024). Lifestyle modification as intervention for seasonal affective disorder: A systematic review. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 174, 209-219. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2024.03.053 

Saheer, T. B., Lien, L., Hauff, E., & Kumar, B. N. (2013). Ethnic differences in seasonal affective disorder and associated factors among five immigrant groups in Norway. Journal of Affective Disorders, 151(1), 237-242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2013.05.086 

Stewart, A. E., Roecklein, K. A., Tanner, S., & Kimlin, M. G. (2014). Possible contributions of skin pigmentation and vitamin D in a polyfactorial model of seasonal affective disorder. Medical Hypotheses, 83(5), 517-525. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mehy.2014.09.010 

Suhail, K. & Cochrane, R. (1997). Seasonal changes in affective state in samples of Asian and white women. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 32(3), 149-157. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00794614 

Suhail, K. & Cochrane, R. (1998). Seasonal variations in hospital admissions for affective disorders by gender and ethnicity. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 33(5), 211-217. https://doi.org/10.1007/s001270050045

Tian, Z., Im, C., Mukherjee, S., & Budiman, A. (2024, October 9). Why Asian Immigrants Come to the U.S. and How They View Life Here. Pew Research Center. https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2024/10/09/why-asian-immigrants-come-to-the-u-s-and-how-they-view-life-here/ 

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health. (n.d.). Mental and Behavioral Health – Asian Americans. https://minorityhealth.hhs.gov/mental-and-behavioral-health-asian-americans 

7 min read

The next four years can seem like a scary unknown, wherever you fall on the political spectrum. Drastic cultural shifts have revealed huge divides within the country, with polarization pulling communities apart. As identity politics continue to be weaponized by both sides of the political aisle (Lopez, 2017), the current political climate can feel volatile, and at times, downright adversarial. Livelihoods are being affected in very real ways across the country, from the introduction of Islamophobic (Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkley, n.d.) and transphobic (Trans Legislation Tracker, n.d.) policies, to removal of reproductive rights (Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.), and to threats of mass deportation by military means (Montoya-Galvez et al., 2024).

It’s important to find ways to take care of yourself and build resilience through these challenging times. We’ve compiled some strategies to help you remain safe, physically and mentally, at both an individual and community level. Additional resources are also listed below:

At an individual level

Maintenance strategies play a significant role in maintaining mental and physical safety. Low-barrier activities such as mindfulness meditation, breathwork, physical activity, connection with nature, and reduced social media usage contribute to improvements in overall health, specifically for individuals experiencing anxiety and depression.


Mindfulness meditation & breathwork

Mindfulness meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, and can help with depression when implemented consistently on a long-term basis (Li et al., 2020, p. 67). Mindfulness meditation is “the process of focusing one’s mind in the present moment, maintaining a nonjudgmental attitude, and detaching from destructive thoughts and feelings,” (Dryden & Still, 2006 as cited by Li et al., 2020, p. 60). Mindfulness meditation includes meditation, mindfulness of decompression therapy, and mindfulness of cognitive therapy (Hwang et al., 2018 as cited by Li et al., 2020 p. 60).

Breathing practices and breathwork have also shown to have a positive impact on stress reduction. Breathing practices include diaphragmatic breathing, paced slow breathing, breathing with biofeedback, and alternate-nostril breathing (Bentley et al., 2023). Breathwork has been shown to be most effective when introduced into daily/weekly practice.

For those wanting to give it a try, the University of Melbourne provides guided exercises for mindfulness meditation, and Stanford Medicine has published a quick instructional on cyclic breathing.

Reducing social media and increasing physical activity

While keeping informed remains an important aspect of social participation, it can also have negative impacts on mental health, especially when it leads to excessive social media use. Studies have shown a link between problematic use of social media and social media fatigue, creating a self-sustaining loop that worsens over time (Chen et al., 2024, p. 463). Problematic use is defined as the “uncontrollable, prolonged use of social media and the resulting physical discomfort and psychosocial maladjustment,” (Mok et al., 2014, as cited by Chen et al., p. 458). Social media fatigue has been described as “a state of mental exhaustion suffered by users after experiencing technological, informational, and communication overload when using social media,” (Dhir et al., 2018 as cited by Chen et al., 2024, p. 468). Problematic use has been found to be both a stressor and an antecedent (trigger) for technological stressors, which means that those addicted to social media are also then experiencing social media fatigue (Chen et al., p. 458).

There is good news, however. A combined and strategic reduction in social media use and increase in physical activities has been found to improve health outcomes (Brailovskaia et al., 2022, p. 1894), as opposed to decreasing social media use alone (Brailovskaia et al., 2022, p. 1890). Physical activities have been shown to improve mental health outcomes for individuals dealing with depression, even at a low-to-moderate level (Hussenoeder et al., 2023, p. 2425). Participation in team sports have been found to improve health outcomes due in part to social factors (Clément et al., 2024), and participation in outdoor activities has been linked to positive impacts on mental health by virtue of connecting with nature (Nugraha et al., 2024, p. 645).

At a community level

Fear can be an incredibly isolating feeling; it can be reassuring to find others who understand what you’re going through. Social support has been associated with a 55% reduction in odds of elevated depressive symptoms (Choi et al., 2023, p. 431)—you shouldn’t have to go at it alone.

Lean into community resources & support

Community groups and resources can provide various levels of support, depending on issues you’re dealing with. This can span from free, in-person support groups to paid community services. Our Resource/Org Directory compiles resources around the country for those seeking specific community support.

Virtual tools

Depending on where you live, community support may not be easy to access. Online and virtual resources may be more feasible for those not experiencing immediate crisis. Our Therapist Directory includes Asian certified mental health practitioners of all kinds who provide virtual therapy sessions across the country. Mobile apps like Headspace and Happify provide asynchronous support through their resource libraries and friendly, gamified user experiences.

Understand your rights

If you foresee your safety and rights being at risk in relation to upcoming political shifts, it might be worth looking into ways to protect yourself legally. Organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union and the National Lawyers Guild provide educational resources regarding specific rights for those currently living in America. The American Bar Association maintains an online index of legal resources, including links to pro bono programs, legal aid and a link to their virtual legal advice clinic.

Being prepared

According to the Centre for Disease Control (n.d.), suicide was one of the leading causes of death within the Asian population in 2022, especially for those between 15-34 years of age. 2023 data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (n.d.) revealed that Asian American adults were less likely than other minority populations to receive mental health treatment. The American Psychiatric Association (2020) cited cultural and systemic factors as possible reasons why service use is seemingly low within AAPI populations.

It’s unclear what lies ahead. Incorporating additional tools can help build resilience and protective layers to maintaining physical, emotional and mental safety. Create plans for days when you’re not feeling 100%, and for days you feel like you need support the most. Build a mental health first aid kit (Cadloff, 2018). And if possible, involve those you trust in the process as well.

Additional Resources

Some days are harder than others, and support can look different between individuals. Below is a list of additional resources, categorized based on type of support provided:

Virtual mental health resources:

Legal support:


American Psychiatric Association. (2020). Mental Health Facts For Asian Americans/Pacific Islanders. https://www.psychiatry.org/File%20Library/Psychiatrists/Cultural-Competency/Mental-Health-Disparities/Mental-Health-Facts-for-Asian-Americans-Pacific-Islanders.pdf 

Bently, T. G. K., D’Andrea-Penna, G., Rakic, M., Arce, N., LaFaille, M., Berman, R., Cooley, K., & Sprimont, P. (2023). Breathing Practices for Stress and Anxiety Reduction: Conceptual Framework of Implementation Guidelines Based on a Systematic Review of the Published Literature. Brain Sciences, 13, 1612. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci13121612

Brailovskaia, J., Swanlike, V. J., Grethe, G. A., Schillack, H., & Margraf, J. (2022). Experimental longitudinal evidence for causal role of social media use and physical activity in COVID‑19 burden and mental health. Journal of Public Health, 21, 1885-1898. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10389-022-01751-x

Cadloff, E. B. (2018, December 3). How first-aid kits for mental health symptoms are helping Canadian university students. Maclean’s. https://macleans.ca/economy/business/first-aid-kit-mental-health/ 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Leading Causes of Death. WISQARS Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System. https://wisqars.cdc.gov/lcd/?o=LCD&y1=2022&y2=2022&ct=10&cc=ALL&g=00&s=0&r=4&ry=2&e=0&ar=lcd1age&at=groups&ag=lcd1age&a1=0&a2=199. Accessed November 20, 2024.

Chen, B., Sun, X., Zhang, Q., & Yao, L. (2024). Are Fatigued Users Fleeing Social Media? A Three-Level Meta-Analysis on the Association Between Social Media Fatigue and Social Media Use. Psychology of Popular Media, 13(3), 457-471. https://doi.org/10.1037/ppm0000495 

Choi, K. W., Lee, Y. H., Fatori, D., Bauermeister, J. R., Luh, R. A., Clark, C. R., Brunoni, A. R., Bauermeister, S., & Smoller, J. W. (2023). Social support and depression during a global crisis. Nature Mental Health, 1, 428-435. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44220-023-00078-0 

Clément, J., Gallant, F., Hudon, C., Montiel, C., Riglea, T., Barbiche, D., Doré, I., Sylvestre, M., O’Loughlin, J., & Bélanger, M. (2024). Use of physical activity as a coping strategy mediates the association between adolescent team sports participation and emerging adult mental health. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 27, 100612. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mhpa.2024.100612 

Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Home. ReproductiveRights.Gov. https://reproductiverights.gov/. Accessed November 18, 2024.

Hussenoeder, F. S., Conrad, I., Pabst, A., Engel, C., Zachariae, S., Zeynalova, S., Glaesmer, H., Hinz, A., Witte, V., Schomerus, G., Löffler, M., Villringer, A., Sander, C., & Reidel-Heller, S. G. (2023). Physical activity and mental health: the connection between step count and depression, anxiety and quality of sleep. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 28(9), 2419-2429. https://doi.org/10.1080/13548506.2022.2159453 

Li, Y., Sun, W., Sun, X., Sun, J., Yang, D., Jia, B., & Yuan, B. (2021). Effects of mindfulness meditation on anxiety, depression, stress, and mindfulness in nursing students: a meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis of randomized controlled trials. Frontiers of Nursing, 7(1), 59-69. https://doi.org/10.2478/FON-2020-0001

Lopez, G. (2017, August 17). The battle over identity politics, explained. Vox. https://www.vox.com/identities/2016/12/2/13718770/identity-politics 

Montoya-Galvez, C., Watson, E., & Sganga, N. (2024, November 20). How could the U.S. military be used for Trump’s mass deportation plan? CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/u-s-military-trump-mass-deportation-plan/ 

National Institutes of Health. (2023, November 2). All of Us Data Shows the Power of Social Support to Prevent Depression. All of Us Research Program. https://allofus.nih.gov/news-events/research-highlights/all-of-us-data-shows-power-of-social-support-to-prevent-depression 

Nugraha, H., Hernawan, Ali, M., Rahmat, A, Septante, I., Aryati, & Suryadi, D. (2024). Outdoor activities and outdoor environments for fitness and mental health: a systematic review. Retos: Nuevas Perspectivas de Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación, 59, 642-648.

Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkley. (n.d.). Islamophobia Legislative Database. https://belonging.berkeley.edu/islamophobia/islamophobia-legislative-database. Accessed November 18, 2024

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (n.d.). Results from the 2023 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: Mental Health Detailed Tables. https://www.samhsa.gov/data/sites/default/files/reports/rpt47100/NSDUHDetailedTabs2023/NSDUHDetailedTabs2023/2023-nsduh-detailed-tables-sect6pe.htm#tab6.21b. Accessed November 20, 2024.

Trans Legislation Tracker. (n.d.). 2024 anti-trans bills tracker. https://translegislation.com/. Accessed November 18, 2024. 

7 min read

When winds carry the movements of an ocean, they form waves containing the momentum of the waters below. In collective actions, organizers are the crest of the wave, the visible force that surges forward onto the surface. From union leaders to club presidents, they are the driving forces within communities and social movements.

But being the driving force behind the fight for justice can pose heavy challenges. Organizers often work long hours, care deeply about and are personally invested in the causes they fight for, and regularly have little separation between their personal lives and their causes.

As a result, the rate of attrition for organizers can be quite high, up to 50-60% as of 2003 data. When taking a break, Asian organizers also have to surmount cultures of sacrifice and martyrdom that can lead to feelings of guilt. Given this, AMHC believes that therapy can provide a strong foundation in ensuring that organizers get the help that they not only need, but deserve.


Organizers are part of the social fabric as waves are part of the ocean. Their connection to their environment strengthens their endeavors, with organizers leaning into empathy to drive effective action. Organizers working to end oppression and injustice often bear witness to terrible suffering that society at large is often resistant to acknowledge. Without sufficient support to process these experiences, organizers often negate their own needs and deem rest and recovery as unimportant when compared to the larger cause they are advocating for. 

While empathy is categorically one of the most important values for leaders to embody, it can also become an obstacle when it creates a negative feedback loop due to emotional contagion. Emotional contagion refers to the tendency to feel emotions that mirror the intensity and type expressed by someone else. This can explain why burnout can have a ripple effect within organizational relationships and personal relationships. Emotional contagion from social interactions has been shown to result in behavioral synchrony—when behaviors between individuals begin to coordinate during social contact. For organizers, especially those leading social movements, this can directly impact the outcomes of their work and the work of those around them.


Researchers looking into social movements identify burnout as one of the greatest threats posed to realizing sustainable social change . With anti-Asian hate being spotlighted in recent years, some organizers are feeling exhausted, questioning their contributions towards real change. The World Health Organization characterizes burnout from an occupational perspective, by feelings of exhaustion, job-related negativity, and decreased professional effectiveness. For organizers, this can look like lack of focus, impatience, frustration and anxiety, among multiple interlinked factors that can feel debilitating. Occupational-related stresses have also been connected to adverse psychological and physiological health outcomes. Organizers’ emotional connection to the causes they uphold increases their vulnerability towards burnout, adding additional layers of challenges. These vulnerabilities can stem from backlash to activism, increased threats to personal safety, as well as in-fighting within movements. Burnout, when left unchecked, can be a huge problem for organizers and groups. Without strong leadership, groups can face challenges in lack of direction, vision, focus and organization, which can create fragmentation. Even without opposing force, inertia slows down the momentum of any given object, before it eventually comes to a full stop.

Therapy for organizers is an investment in social change.

For organizers, prioritizing care towards personal needs can feel antithetical to caring for the needs of the collective, but ultimately we at AMHC believe that investing in the mental wellbeing of organizers strengthens the health of movements and therefore is an investment in social change. Therapy can have a spillover effect, strengthening personal, social and behavioral outcomes.

While reactive care can help address stress after triggering events, self-care and preventative measures are still seen as the best interventions in promoting individual and community health. This can be anything from regular bi-weekly check-ins with a therapist over video call, to meeting with a therapist once every quarter to develop self-care and maintenance plans.


Asian Organizers Fund

In May, Asian Mental Health Collective utilized our funding to offer the first cohort of the Asian Organizers Fund for Asian student organizers, supporting those impacted by student encampments and anti-war protests.

On November 15, we will be opening a second round of the Asian Organizers Fund, aimed towards supporting those impacted by election organizing, actions, and burnout— including those from West Asia and Palestine. Applications will close on November 22 at 11:59 PM EST. 

20 recipients will have access to 8 virtual or in-person therapy sessions with a licensed mental health professional. 

We thank Asian Americans Advance Justice | AAJC for their financial support which helped make this offering possible.

Additional Support

Additional support for organizers can be found both at clinical and community levels. Individual therapy sessions can be beneficial in managing specific problems, while groups can help in support rooted in community. Check out our other resources below:


  1. Klandermans, Bert. “Disengaging from movements.” In The social movements reader: Cases and concepts, edited by J. Goodwin, & J. Jasper, 128-140. Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2003.
  2. Mohamad, Zulaikha. “Mapping Mental Health Support For Resilient Activists.” Innovation for Change, September 30, 2022. https://eastasia.innovationforchange.net/story/mapping-mental-health-for-resilient-activists/ 
  3. Gorski, Paul C. “Fighting racism, battling burnout: causes of activist burnout in US racial justice activists.” Ethnic and Racial Studies 42, no. 5 (February 2018): 670-671. https://doi.org/10.1080/01419870.2018.1439981 
  4. Brower, Tracy. “Empathy Is The Most Important Leadership Skill According To Research.” Forbes, January 12, 2022. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tracybrower/2021/09/19/empathy-is-the-most-important-leadership-skill-according-to-research/
  5. Ho, Man Him, Benjamin Thomas Kemp, Hedwig Eisenbarth and Ronald J. P. Rinders. “Designing a neuroclinical assessment of empathy deficits in psychopathy based on the Zipper Model of Empathy.” Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 151, (August 2023): 105244. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neubiorev.2023.105244
  6. Ibid.
  7. Marble Wellness. “The Ripple Effect: How Burnout Impacts Relationships.” January 9, 2024. https://marblewellness.com/post/the-ripple-effect-how-burnout-impacts-relationships
  8. Herrando, Carolina and Efthymios Constantinides. “Emotional Contagion: A Brief Overview and Future Directions.” Frontiers in Psychology 12,  (July 2021): 712606. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.712606 
  9. Feldman, Ruth. “The Neurobiology of Human Attachments.” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 21, no. 2 (February 2017): 80-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tics.2016.11.007 
  10. Laurence Cox, How Do We Keep Going? Activist Burnout and Sustainability in Social Movements (Helsinki: Into e-books, 2011)
  11. Pigni, Alessandra. “Practising mindfulness at the checkpoint.” openDemocracy, July 17, 2013. https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/transformation/practising-mindfulness-at-checkpoint/ 
  12. Huang, Cecilia. “Dear Kiki: How do I overcome burnout while fighting against anti-Asian hate?.” Cold Tea Collective, June 28, 2021. https://coldteacollective.com/dear-kiki-activism-burnout/ 
  13. World Health Organization. “Burn-out an ‘occupational phenomenon’.” Accessed November 7, 2024. https://www.who.int/standards/classifications/frequently-asked-questions/burn-out-an-occupational-phenomenon
  14. Gleeson, Brent. “Burden Of Command: How Leaders Identify And Reduce Burnout In Themselves And Their Teams.” Forbes, June 21, 2023. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brentgleeson/2023/06/21/burden-of-command-how-leaders-identify-and-reduce-burnout-in-themselves-and-their-teams/ 
  15. Jacobs, Clarine. “Ineffective-Leader-Induced Occupational Stress.” Sage Open 9, no. 2 (June 2019). https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244019855858
  16. Maslach, Christina and M. E. Gomes. “Overcoming burnout.” In Working for Peace: A Handbook of Practical Psychology, edited by R. MacNair, 43-49. San Luis Obispo, CA: Impact, 2006.
  17. Plyer, Jen. “How To Keep On Keeping On: Sustaining Ourselves in Community Organizing and Social Justice Struggles.” Upping the Anti, October 26, 2009. https://uppingtheanti.org/journal/article/03-how-to-keep-on-keeping-on/ 
  18. Benjamin-Chung, Jade, Benjamin F. Arnold, David Berger, Stephen P. Luby, Edward Miguel, John M. Colford Jr  and Alan E. Hubbard. “Spillover effects in epidemiology: parameters, study designs and methodological considerations.” International Journal of Epidemiology 47, no. 1 (November 2017): 332-347. https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyx201
  19. Reed, Paul. “Prevention Is Still the Best Medicine.” Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, January 26, 2024. https://odphp.health.gov/news/202401/prevention-still-best-medicine 
  20. World Health Organization. “Self-care for health and well-being.” April 26, 2024. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/self-care-health-interventions 

This Fall has been filled with many strong emotions, as we grapple with the mass violence and genocide taking place in Gaza currently. Whether you are feeling hurt, angry, confused, or numb – know that your feelings are valid.

On Monday October 23 we hosted a processing and healing space led by psychologist and meditation practitioner Sriya Battacharyya, PhD. We also held a follow-up collective grief processing space led by Sara Stanizai and Manpreet Kaur on November 6. 

Sara, Afghan-American therapist, also shared her thoughts on processing major traumatic events below.

Please introduce yourself.
My name is Sara Stanizai, I’m a licensed marriage and family therapist and the owner of Prospect Therapy, a queer and trans affirming practice in southern California with a focus on immigrant and diaspora mental health. I’m Afghan-American, I was raised Muslim, and am openly bisexual. There are a LOT of people like me, and I keep talking about it so that we can find each other. Myself and the therapists at my practice bring clinical training and lived experience to our work, meaning we share identities and experiences with many of the communities we serve. 

Please feel free to share any thoughts or anything you’d like us to consider while processing the violence in Gaza. 

People talk a lot about trauma, especially in mental health circles, or even in sensationalized media content. And to be sure, there is an overwhelming amount of trauma we are witnessing and experiencing.

But there isn’t as much talk about grief. Grief is a very typical and universal response to loss – any type of loss. 

That might mean literally grieving and mourning loved ones. Let’s not forget the people in our communities who are directly affected by genocide, displacement, and the natural and manmade disasters taking place right now. 

But the effects of grief also extend out from these events, to people who aren’t directly affected. 

As we witness what is unfolding, we are still pressured to go on about our daily lives. And yes, of course life goes on. But it doesn’t have to be “business as usual,” ignorant of how these events are affecting us. 

We might be grieving the loss of relationships, disillusionment, loss of belief in certain systems and people; disenfranchised grief (when the loss is not acknowledged or publicly allowed), or even grieving the lack of public support for your own community. It’s not pretty, but many people are privately wondering, where was the outrage for us? 

There’s no shame in any iteration of grief you might be experiencing. 

Center and support the people who are most closely and directly affected by loss. AND acknowledge that witnessing loss can also stir grief responses for you too. It’s not co-opting someone else’s experience, as long as you pour the support toward them first. 

Are there any resources that folks can look up in case they missed the session? 

Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow by Kenneth Doka

The Four Tasks of Mourning by William Worden

SWANA Therapist Collective


Please feel free to share any thoughts or anything you’d like us to consider while processing the violence in Gaza. 

People talk a lot about trauma, especially in mental health circles, or even in sensationalized media content. And to be sure, there is an overwhelming amount of trauma we are witnessing and experiencing.

But there isn’t as much talk about grief. Grief is a very typical and universal response to loss – any type of loss. 

That might mean literally grieving and mourning loved ones. Let’s not forget the people in our communities who are directly affected by genocide, displacement, and the natural and manmade disasters taking place right now. 

But the effects of grief also extend out from these events, to people who aren’t directly affected. 

As we witness what is unfolding, we are still pressured to go on about our daily lives. And yes, of course life goes on. But it doesn’t have to be “business as usual,” ignorant of how these events are affecting us. 

We might be grieving the loss of relationships, disillusionment, loss of belief in certain systems and people; disenfranchised grief (when the loss is not acknowledged or publicly allowed), or even grieving the lack of public support for your own community. It’s not pretty, but many people are privately wondering, where was the outrage for us? 

There’s no shame in any iteration of grief you might be experiencing. 

Center and support the people who are most closely and directly affected by loss. AND acknowledge that witnessing loss can also stir grief responses for you too. It’s not co-opting someone else’s experience, as long as you pour the support toward them first. 

Below are resources we compiled to aid your collective grief journey.





For hub of mental health resources and events; https://www.instagram.com/palmhnwellness/

Mental Health Supports During Gaza Crisis by NAAPIMHA: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NT8IxSoYOrB6gyU_87tXTs18prVpfUSX35zfl1bCvdQ/edit 

Click Here for WAVES Event Recording!

You may have heard this from your parents, “Finish that last scoop of rice! We would starve and walk hours as kids to get rice.” They tell you their impoverished, childhood stories of going hungry with no money with the intent of bettering your well-being. The collective guilt dawns as the ghosts of past generations haunt us as we navigate our seemingly privileged modern lives. If you have ever felt this way or have heard about it from a close friend or partner, you can acknowledge that you are not alone.

ungendered hands, bound by a tape to represent the stifling nature of generational trauma

Intergenerational Trauma, also sometimes known as transgenerational trauma, refers to the physical and mental symptoms experienced from trauma that are often shared with descendants. It is often observed through parents’ habitual responses to stressors or behaviors passed onto their child with implications for the child’s health and well-being. An important note about intergenerational trauma, as opposed to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is that one can experience its effects even if they did not directly undergo trauma themselves. It can manifest through epigenetics, physical health, as well as our psychological and mental well-being.

It’s such an innocuous part of our lives; in learning to become aware and process these experiences, we learn to accept and heal these shadows that linger over us. In light of the coming holidays, WAVES hosted a virtual event where panelists shared their personal and professional experiences with intergenerational trauma, while holding a brave space for our attendees to process and discuss their journeys and experiences. By gathering, we met with the intention to heal through community and to host dialogue about celebrating our heritage, families, and stories.

Our main takeaways were centered around:

    • Defining intergenerational trauma, the meaning we assign to it, and how it shows up in our lives
    • Figuring out our cultural and racial identity and cherishing it
    • Meaningfully connecting with the generation before and after us
    • Effective cross-generational communication

There is power in understanding your personal, family narrative. It may still be a work in progress, but knowing what our family had to overcome in the past can provide directions for the future. Immigration is often a shared experience for many among the Asian diaspora in which we leave our native lands and reconstruct a home in a completely new environment with different racial, language, and experiential backgrounds.

Two of our panelists, Dr. Monica Band (EdD, LPC) and Huyen “Kiki” Vo (LCSW), shared their childhood upbringing stories as a multicultural and immigrant child. It’s common to go through a phase of self-questioning given cultural differences, but from the panelists’ experiences, there’s a reconciliation phase where we become proud of where we come from. Bhavya Rai (Mental Health Content Creator) mentioned her bi-cultural upbringing watching Bollywood to get a glimpse of Indian culture and better communicate with family. During college, her identity evolved as she navigated her mental health journey through grades/performance and imposter syndrome, ultimately finding acceptance and support from her family. Understanding our heritage and figuring out our identity is complex, but we are encouraged and empowered to do so in our own timing.

As children of immigrants, we are aware of the sacrifices our parents often made to provide a better life for us. As a consequence, they have suffered trauma in the wake of their endeavor, which can habitually get passed down generations. Some of us are blessed with the opportunity to reap the benefits sewn from the older generation. With that, some of us can create a reconciliatory space to break the cycle. Some can see the focus of the older generation to preserve survival. Sometimes when parents suppress and brush all their pain under the rug is their way of shielding and sparing us from the pain.

Sara Stanizai (LMFT) shared about how in Afghan culture, they gather in a communal circle to connect with each other and heal. Healing spaces for our families have always existed but now they’re packaged differently. Part of healing is us learning our parents’ ways of connecting and abandoning our preferences, while part of it is teaching them to meaningfully connect with us. Our parents are caring for us, just in their own ways to their best of their abilities with the knowledge they have.

a speech bubble


Lastly, communication is key. We talk about having the language to meaningfully connect with one another, which more often than not is verbal. As part of the Asian Diaspora, it’s common to have a language barrier within generations with nuanced communication differences where a lot of love gets lost in translation. Our parents’ generation may not have the tools and capacity to meaningfully connect with us at times.

However, there is hope. Dr. Calvin Sun (MD) shared his story about his father passing and the difficulty of having the right language to understand each other. Trying to connect takes trial and error and oftentimes can be messy. It wasn’t until after his passing that Calvin read his father’s diaries that they really understood each other. There’s something about differences in communication and love language and allowing them to come to you in their own ways. The older generation tends to love by serving and providing food, as actions speak louder than words. However, sometimes words are needed to know that we are loved.

All in all, healing is multifaceted and we hope you can grow your capacity and empathy to love the generation above and in turn break the cycle. Our identities are ever-constantly evolving and difficult to navigate, but worth it. Connecting with our parents can be very tricky, but we are privileged to have the capacity to do more for them. Navigating meaningful language and communication methods is another piece of the puzzle where we are encouraged to learn, teach, and set boundaries with language.

Dear community, As we close out the year 2021, we are filled with immense gratitude and love. The Asian community has experienced so much in the past year, with moments of both pain and joy coming to mind. Not only did we undergo some of the most trying times in our histories, but we also displayed incredible resilience and learned ways to collectively pursue healing and support one another. In this issue, you will see us highlight the accomplishments of 2021 and our future plans to step into the new year. 

Support AMHC! If you are looking for ways to continue to support our mission to normalize and destigmatize mental health,  please refer to our links and most importantly SHARE with your loved ones about the Asian Mental Health Collective. We appreciate your support. Thank you for all that you do for us and the community. Warmly,
The Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC)
 Support AMHCCopyright © 2021, Asian Mental Health Collective, All rights reserved

The Lotus is our monthly email newsletter that spotlights AMHC’s volunteers, lifts up diasporic Asian mental health stories, and provides resources and support for the Asian community. Learn more from two of the amazing women behind the newsletter, Nico Cruz and Tina Tran, and be sure to subscribe to get all the latest from AMHC.

1) How did you get involved with AMHC?

After a five month hiatus from graphic design, my older brother asked me if I was interested in being involved with AMHC and their email newsletter that was in the works. Though I was in the Subtle Asian Mental Health Facebook group, my knowledge on AMHC or what they were all about was very limited. Regardless, something inside me was telling me, “why not try it out? It could be a great experience and really fun.” I told my brother that I was interested, and a few days later, Lisa Cheng, Chief of Human Resources for AMHC, contacted me. Since then, I haven’t looked back! Not only am I a part of AMHC’s amazing newsletter team, but I also have the privilege of interning with them as well.

Tina: I’m a member of Subtle Asian Mental Health, which is where I was introduced to AMHC. After seeing a post from Lisa Cheng about volunteer opportunities, I decided to apply and have been with AMHC ever since! I particularly wanted to join the newsletter team as I have always loved doing outreach and writing articles. As someone going into the medical field, I don’t have many opportunities to expand on my creative interests. Joining AMHC’s newsletter team gave me a chance to combine my love for writing with my interest in mental health.

2) Tell us about The Lotus–what is it and how does it engage the AMHC community?

Nico: The Lotus serves as an outlet for many different opportunities. For starters, it’s used as a way to shine a spotlight on members of our community and recognize them for all that they’ve done to support Asian mental health thus far. AMHC is a fully volunteer-led organization and without the hard work and dedication that every volunteer contributes, AMHC would not be where it is today. The newsletter also creates the most efficient way possible for our team to gather and share information about past and upcoming AMHC events, mental health resources and people/organizations that need to be recognized.

Tina: The newsletter combines all of AMHC’s organization updates with new, engaging content every month. We focus on different themes every edition, like Pride month or Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and we feature rising leaders in the Asian community who are working hard to bring awareness to their respective issues. Our newsletter also gives a rundown of resources that are important for the community to be aware of. Last but not least, the newsletter gives a quick update on everything new in AMHC to help connect and grow the community. 

3) What do you love most about being on AMHC’s newsletter team?

Nico: I am proud to be a part of this small, but mighty group of women, and I will never get tired of saying that! In all honesty, I’ve always struggled with working in teams. I constantly feared letting other members of my team down and continuously told myself that I wouldn’t be able to contribute enough. Working with The Lotus team has helped me get over these fears and see the value in teamwork. It is what you make of it, right? I found in this team a group of compassionate and resilient women who showed me that even when life continues to place barriers in front of us, it really isn’t the end of the world. Even if plans need to be shifted around, we adjust and move forward.

Tina: I love being able to work alongside such strong and resilient women! I am honored to have met all the brilliant women on this team and have learned so much from them. They have helped inspire me to take charge of my mental health and have become a great support in my life. Our team may be small, but we are very mighty!

4) What are some ways you’ve learned to care for your mental health?

For a long time, I had a horrible habit of neglecting myself and not seeing the purpose of rest. I would work and tell myself that I couldn’t rest until I accomplished everything on my plate. However, I didn’t end up getting the rest that I needed. Instead, I burnt out and spent an excessive amount of time recuperating. This became a cycle for me until I finally told myself that I needed to find a way to balance both my priorities and myself. With the holidays coming up, one of my favorite ways to rest is to watch a Hallmark Christmas movie while wrapped up in a blanket and snuggled against my new pups, Adam and Rio. I also enjoy trying new recipes, catching up on my favorite tv shows (i.e. Grey’s Anatomy, The Resident, and The Flash) and if I really have the time, read a good book.

Tina: Self-care is a department that I am still struggling in and I constantly have to remind myself to take some time to rest. I was raised to always be grinding and working hard and I definitely still have that mindset. However, my parents grew up in a time period where grinding was the only way to survive. Since I am lucky to have the opportunity to work hard on my own terms, I have been able to find ways to relax and recuperate. Some of my favorite things to do are read and listen to music as I find these activities very comforting. I re-read Harry Potter every year just for that sense of nostalgia. I also love watching shows like, “Only Murders in the Building” on Hulu. Playing with my four dogs is another way I am able to forget about the world for a minute.

Jane Kusuma is an illustrator and designer from Seattle and the one-woman team behind Jovietajane Creative Studio. As the Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC) began to expand and rebrand, Jane Kusuma graciously reached out to our organization to donate her time and energy into designing the rebrand. Following the Black Lives Matter movement and the rise in anti-Asian hate crimes, Kusuma realized she wanted to donate her time, not just her money. Kusuma chose AMHC after finding our organization through Instagram. She mentions how “mental health is the last thing people think about and donate to” and how she was inspired by her own mental health struggles to donate her time for AMHC. Kusuma wanted to modernize and neutralize AMHC’s branding to make it accessible for all ages. She used soft, tranquil color palettes to create a calm and containing environment for everyone who wants to be a part of AMHC

Jane Kusuma was born in Indonesia and discovered a love for drawing at an early age. At 14, she solidified her decision to pursue the arts and worked towards a career in graphic design. After getting her start in working for major toy companies like Hasbro and Mattel, she began to do freelance work on the side. Kusuma was then sponsored by a company and began working in a corporate setting. However, after a period of time, she began to suffer from burnout and realized her mental health was deteriorating. She took a 3-month sabbatical to reevaluate her life and realized she “would be so much happier doing freelance work.”She jokes about “being allergic to the 9-5 schedule” as her most creative hours are in the early morning and at night. Kusuma asserts how the ability to set her own timelines, choose her own clients, and experience different creative projects helps fuel her artistic nature. 

When it comes to mental health, Jane Kusuma reflects on how she has struggled with anxiety and depression throughout her life. At 28, she started to recognize the importance of rest. She remarks, “My mental state will always affect my art. I used to think that if I was struggling I would make better art but that isn’t true.” Kusuma has since placed an emphasis on including joy in her art and making sure to take the time slow down and rest as needed. 

Her final reflections include a message to those who want to pursue the creative arts. She asserts that there is no need to buy expensive equipment but rather, to “use the resources you already have.” She notes using online resources and platforms like Skillshare to learn and expand on one’s artistic abilities. Kusuma also believes that college isn’t necessary to those who want to pursue the arts as there are many other ways to learn. 

In regards to Asian mental health, Jane Kusuma expresses the importance of speaking out and being open about mental health issues, in spite of being raised in cultures where silence and silencing is the norm, and where mental health is stigmatized. Kusuma acknowledges the difficulty of the times andand emphasizes the need, now more than ever, to care for ourselves. 

Puppy ig: @jasper.thepreppy.westie

Lisa Cheng

Quarantined in my apartment, afraid to even get groceries, I was powerless. I was glued to my bed, just watching the hours pass by. My body craved social interaction and connection, but all I had was a laptop screen. I shouldn’t be resting, I need to be producing. The guilt of even taking a moment to rest seemed overwhelming. I just needed to get through whichever project or assignment I was working on, and then, only then, could I give myself permission to rest. To me, rest was a reward, not a necessity. My body was telling me I needed rest, but my brain was telling me I was worthless if I did. There was such intense shame attached to the simple act of pausing to catch my breath. The cognitive dissonance was eating away at me, and it eventually left me frozen in fear. I, along with so many others, was burned out.

The term burnout was coined by American psychologist Herbert Freudenberger to describe the consequences of severe stress and high standards in helping professionals, such as nurses, doctors, therapists, and more. Today, we describe burnout as a state of emotional, mental, and often physical exhaustion brought on by prolonged or repeated stress. Sound familiar? In the midst of a global pandemic and mass uncertainty, I kept lying to myself that “I just need to get through today” or “I just need to get through this week” or “this month” or “the rest of this year” to push through. I just need that little bit of extra motivation to finish graduate school, volunteer for the Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC) and be there for my family, or for work, and then I will finally rest. Pushing myself past my known limits was all I ever knew. Growing up as a Chinese-American, I was taught that my performance and results depended on my work ethic. Lack of achievement was only due to laziness and unwillingness to work hard, and the responsibility was mine to keep striving to be better. When I was in college, I competitively swam 20 hours a week, juggled two part-time jobs, chaired three clubs, and had a social life. I was able to do it all–so why couldn’t I do even a fraction of this work now? 

With our world flipped upside down, so many of us struggled to find a new rhythm, routine, and balance. Perfection was no longer the standard and survival became the norm. Outside of essential workers, Zoom meetings, working from home, and infrequent outings became our way of life. Being social was no longer a luxury. In the past, I used productivity as an excuse (or coping mechanism) to ignore my anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Distraction through productivity, if you will. And suddenly, all the structure was torn away from me. No longer being able to predict what was going to happen next, nor be prepared for it, the perfectionist in me was quite literally screaming. To me, my worth was completely dependent on my ability to produce. Even when given the opportunity to rest and pause, I had no clue how to be okay with myself.

American society wants us to earn our living, earn our keep, earn the right to live somewhere rather than acknowledge that we deserve to live even if we are not constantly producing. For many, the pressure of productivity goes deeper than capitalistic tenants. Being a child of immigrants and a victim of the model minority myth is a deadly mix. Ever try to complain about your life when your mom literally survived the Cultural Revolution and used to dig through trash to avoid starvation? Yeah, me neither. Being raised by parents who have sacrificed everything can make our problems seem so small and insignificant. And not only do our problems seem minuscule, but they also add an immense sense of responsibility. So yeah, my mom was able to move across the globe, get her Ph.D. in Chemistry, write her thesis in English (her second language), and here I am currently getting a C+ in Geometry? Some investment I was! As a child, the pressure to succeed to validate my parents’ decision to leave their lives behind was immense, suffocating, and unrealistic at best. 

Perfectionism, productivity, and high expectations come at Asian-Americans from all angles. Our parents desperately want to see us succeed, our peers believe that our race is the reason we succeed, yet college admissions write off our successes as a disqualifier rather than a product of our hard work or our environment. The model minority stereotype (also called the model minority myth) is a perception of Asian students as perfect: inherently highly intelligent, capable, respectful, and hardworking. The model minority myth is a deadly double-edged sword that harms everyone. Not only is it used to justify mistreatment of other Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), it is also used as a tool to overlook and to gloss over Asian-American success as some sort of guaranteed fact. The model minority myth leaves Asians with no room to struggle, no room to ask for help, and no room for error.

In the midst of it all, I somehow made it through the 2020-2021 academic year. After endless online courses, papers, and projects–in June 2021, I graduated with my Master’s in Social Work from the University of Chicago. My greatest accomplishment? Surviving. I did not walk away with academic honors, athletic honors, nor did I chair any clubs. I was not a spectacular student, nor did I give a speech as valedictorian of my class. I was, for the first time in my life, just average. And what a feeling that was. To simply be proud to walk across the stage at graduation knowing that through all of my mental health struggles, imposter syndrome, the pandemic, and more seemed like a small yet monumental step for me. I did what I used to think was the bare minimum, and there I was holding my degree in my hands. 

As Asian-Americans, we need to start making our “bare minimum” our norm. We need to relieve ourselves of the responsibility to always be perfect. Let’s start normalizing our struggles, our pain, our grief, our joy, our rest, our off-days, and our good days. It’s time for us to show the world that Asians can be loud, imperfect, angry, rude, tired, sad, happy, and all of the above at the same time. It’s time for the Asian-American community to rest. We have endured generations of both covert and overt xenophobia and racism delivered through policy, street violence, and exile. In the past year, we have been labeled a virus, witnessing Asian-owned businesses go under, and watching in horror while Asian elders were attacked, and even murdered. We are carrying generations of expectations, responsibilities, and hope on our shoulders. Instead of working ourselves even harder, the most radical thing we can do right now is to rest without belittling ourselves and invalidating our human needs. We are imperfect, we are human. We don’t need to justify why we exist or earn our existence, we already do by being alive. 

As a queer Asian-American woman, I constantly think about the ways in which my racial identity has impacted my mental health. It’s why I started working with subtle asian mental health and the Asian Mental Health Collective. It’s why I surround myself with other Asian people to create spaces and opportunities to connect with our mental health. It’s why I work to address systems in our society and community to bridge the disparities that I see around mental health conversations.
Ironically, this writing took me over three months. I wanted to be completely candid and honest with you all about my experience with burnout, rest, and wrestling with my Asian identity during the pandemic. And I am telling you all of this because visibility matters around this topic. If you are reading this because you are doom scrolling or procrastinating on something, know that you have survived every one of your hardest days so far, and I am so proud of you. I say this to you so that I also say this to myself because damn, it can be so hard to be kind to ourselves. 

Asking for Help 101

Feeling burnt out but don’t know how to ask for help or where to start? Allow me, a recovering perfectionist and Type A personality, to introduce a few ways to set healthy boundaries with your supervisor, professor, parents, and more: 

  1. Ask for extensions
    YES, I know. Asking is the hardest part, but so worth it. Admitting you need more time, more resources, or even another team member to assist with your task gives your supervisor, professor, or parents know where you are at and how to adjust to your needs. Ask for alternative ways to make up the assignment, points, or project, or where you can make up some ground. 
  2. Schedule meetings with professors/supervisors
    One of my greatest regrets in college was that I didn’t let more professors know where I was mentally. I’m sure that it was obvious in my behaviors (always tired, falling asleep in class, fidgeting, checking the clock every 3 minutes, and more), but as a supervisor or professor, it is always helpful to be clued into how your students or workers are feeling or doing. Office hours aren’t just to ask questions about class, it is often a time where a professor gets to check in with a student about how they are doing. 
  3. Disclose you are struggling
    Tell your supervisor, professor, parents that you are struggling to complete the assignment. More than likely your professor or supervisor will offer up resources or office hours to meet with you and give you the tools needed to finish the assignment on time or even offer an extension. 
  4. Look at Disability Accommodations at your university/workplace
    Yes, this does exist. Check your syllabi, because there should be a disability status section in your syllabus indicating what action steps need to be taken to receive accommodations.  If you are someone struggling with your mental health, it’s worth it to ask your professor,  your university, or your HR department about what they offer for students/workers regarding resources and accommodations. Some universities and workplaces may need to see proof of diagnosis in order to qualify for accommodations but may still be able to provide resources. Check out a few of these resources below regarding accommodations:
  1. See if therapy is covered by your university health insurance/work health insurance
    Many universities offer counseling services, telehealth options, support groups, and more. Student health insurance plans also may have a mental health plan available at an affordable cost. Additionally, some employers provide access to a set number of free therapy sessions every year through employee assistance programs (EAPs). If neither of these resources works for you, The Asian Mental Health Collective also has an Asian Therapist Directory for both the United States and Canada and shows therapists that offer sliding scale cost therapy. 
  1. Find your community in person or online
    Surround yourself with positive, like-minded Asian people. Growing up in a white neighborhood, I felt isolated and othered. But after immersing myself in my community both in-person and online in groups like subtle asian mental health, I realized how much more to my Asian identity and culture there was than just being a good student. Find role models and connect with people who will accept you for your whole self, struggles, and all. Your university may offer affinity clubs to be a part of–don’t pass these opportunities up! We thrive in communities where we feel safe to be ourselves. 

I want you to start small and remember all of the times people came to you for help. Why not extend the same kindness and support to yourself that you do to others? This is an incomplete list of how to set boundaries with both yourself and those around you, and your sign to allow yourself to be human. I know it is hard to be kind to ourselves, especially with the way many of us were raised and taught, but we are on this journey together. Thank you for reading. 



Transgender athlete Schuyler Bailar has broken many records in his life, one of the most notable being that he is the first transgender athlete on any NCAA Division 1 men’s team. Schuyler is also an advocate and activist for the LGBTQ community, using his voice to empower others. Though his accomplishments as a swimmer and Harvard athlete are truly admirable, our interview focused on his mental health journey as well as his upbringing as a mixed-race Korean American. Schuyler has always been open about his mental health struggles and we at the Asian Mental Health Collective are honored that he has allowed us to take a peek into his inspirational journey to becoming a professional swimmer and a big voice in the LGBTQ community.

Schuyler is no stranger to mental health struggles, as he is someone who has battled with anxiety throughout his whole life.  Schuyler broke his back after a biking accident in high school, which resulted in him being unable to swim for many years. While in recovery, Schuyler lost his identity and struggled more with his mental health because “breaking [his] back had taken everything that [he] knew and used to cope” as a competitive athlete. Schuyler also began struggling with an eating disorder which he went to a rehab center for 4-5 months during a gap year between high school and college. This was also where he discovered the term transgender and began realizing his gender identity. Besides these personal health struggles, Schuyler was also battling with the internal feeling of “being between worlds”, which is a big recurring theme in his life.

As a Korean American, Schuyler had difficulty reconciling the two halves of his identity, his Caucasian side, and his Korean heritage. He states that the “first thing [he] knew about [himself] before gender or anything was race.”

“I don’t know when I didn’t know that I was between worlds… my dad and my mom were completely different people visually. Race was something I saw everywhere,” he mused.

Schuyler’s Korean grandparents lived nearby and the proximity and familial closeness at times made him feel more Korean than White. However, he says how there is an “interesting erasure, where [he] is expected to be not Asian but also come from Asian roots.” His Korean grandparents enrolled him in Korean Sunday school, where he felt “dumb” as he could not compete with fellow Korean peers who spoke the language at home every day. Referring back to his struggles with an eating disorder, Schuyler mentions how his Korean grandmother showed him love through her cooking, and he felt as if he was “rejecting love, when [he] was rejecting her bowl of rice”. As he was growing up, people on the streets would assume he was adopted when he was with his dad, or that his mother was his babysitter as he did not look completely Asian or completely White. His mom eventually had to change her last name because others threatened her, saying that people would take Schuyler and his brother away if she did not have a matching last name. 

“Knowing that I’m not perceived as my parents’ child is a painful experience.” 

Going back to the time Schuyler was enrolled at the Oliver-Pyatt Rehab center for his eating disorder, he met a therapist who he states “saved his life”. For many years growing up, Schuyler struggled with gender dysphoria, always feeling the safest and most comfortable in short hair and boy clothes. However, he did not have the knowledge and terminology for what he was feeling until he spoke with this specific therapist. Schuyler talks about how his therapist listened in between the lines and figured out that his main problem revolved around his gender identity. Schuyler emphasizes, “I did not wake up one day and said I am transgender. People don’t decide to be transgender. They find the language, they find the courage, and they discover that’s who they always were.” With the realization of his gender identity came more problems, a major one being that he was going to have to choose between coming out or swimming and continuing to hide his identity. Over time, Schuyler was able to choose both competitive swimming and being open about his gender identity, and he acknowledges his privilege of having a supportive, loving family who was behind him every step of the way. Schuyler laughs as he states that the only caveat his grandmother gave him about his identity was that “Korean daughters take care of their parents” and since Schuyler’s parents now had two sons, he was still going to have to step up. In Schuyler’s experience, his family is very matriarchal, and as Schuyler’s grandma accepted him, so did everyone else in the family. 

Schuyler is now very open about his identity as a queer Korean American transgender man and has become a voice for the LGBTQ community. He actively shoots down misconceptions about the trans community and publicly voices his experiences in support of other trans youth. He states that, “Being trans is not a choice. It is an identity like how I didn’t choose to be Korean American. I did choose to come out about it and transition. For a lot of trans people, the choice to transition is a choice between life or death.” Schuyler notes his privilege in being able to come out and how choice is something he is lucky to have had in his life. He also clarifies how being transgender is commonly mislabeled as a mental illness and delves into the history of gender diversity. “White supremacy were the things that started to push out gender and sexual diversity as a way to oppress and assert dominance over other cultures. Pre-colonialism, homosexuality was actually praised.” The real mental disorder is gender dysphoria and he says how the treatment actually involves affirming the person’s gender identity, not forcing them to change. Transgender persons also are subjected to uncomfortable questions all the time about their genitalia or other invasive questions. Schuyler emphasizes how “sharing about being transgender does not invite you to ask questions, especially not about their genitals”. 

Schuyler ends the interview with motivational advice for anyone struggling with their gender identity. He says, “The world will push you to be different versions of yourself and when the world tries to tell you who you are, the world is often wrong. The world and your parents do not know you better than yourself.” He also brings up a poem that he wrote to his 8 year old self while in treatment. Schulyer writes, “8 year old Schuyler, they’re going to try to trick you to think that you don’t know but you know who you are, and you have a right to know who you are.”

To keep up with Schuyler and his many resources, please check out our links below and follow him at @pinkmantaray on IG!


Asian Mental Health Collective