Asian Organizers Therapy Fund

A therapy fund specifically for organizers working to build social change.

The Asian Organizers Therapy Fund covers 8 sessions of in-person or virtual therapy with an Asian therapist over a span of 3 months.

I'm an organizer and I want to apply for therapy!

Please fill out the Google Form linked below.

The Asian Organizers Therapy Fund application closed on Friday, March 21st at 11:59 PM PST

Accepted recipients will be able to access therapy funds from April 1st through June 30th.

I'm a therapist and want to help provide therapy!

Please join our directory below to get started.

If you are an existing provider, please see our FAQ for existing directory providers.


We at Asian Mental Health Collective (AMHC), know that the organizers working for economic, environmental, and social justice within Asian communities are helping us to inclusively build the world we want to live in. While organizing can be inspiring, fulfilling, and energizing, it can likewise be stressful, urgent, and demanding.

Ironically, while community organizers are fighting for a more just world for those around them, they are not often supported with the time or resources to heal, refresh, and care for themselves. AMHC recognizes that the health and wellbeing of organizers is essential to ensuring the sustainability of movements and for the transformation and social change we want to create.

We understand that mental health support of organizers increases the health, resilience, and success of our community and our causes. To address this, AMHC, through generous funding from Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, is launching a therapy fund specifically for organizers working to build social change.

Eligibility and the Application Process

If you identify as a grassroots, community, or labor organizer, or as a cultural worker, advocate or activist, we welcome you to apply!

We know the need for therapy within our communities is great. However, because we receive a high volume of applicants, we unfortunately cannot accept everyone who applies. In reviewing your applications, we will take into account your current access to mental healthcare, including financial need, access to health insurance, severity of symptoms, availability of LTF clinicians in your U.S. state, and your ability to start therapy right away. If you are not accepted in this round, we welcome you to apply to future therapy fund opportunities.

We typically provide application decisions within one week of the application close date.

Quarter 2 AOTF Applicants will be able to access therapy sessions from April 1st through June 30th.

I have questions!...

Thank you for your continued interest!

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Thank you for the work you do.

This application will close on Friday, March 21st at 11:59 PM PST.

Asian Mental Health Collective