US Therapist Directory

Welcome to the Asian American Therapist Directory. It is our hope that this resource helps facilitate your search for a therapist.

AMHC is always growing this list to better serve those who are looking for therapy.

If you are a professional mental health care provider, you can join the directory below.
Primary Office Location: Liburn, Georgia
Primary Office Location: Clifton, New Jersey
Primary Office Location: North Bethesda, Maryland
Primary Office Location: Portland, Oregon
Primary Office Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Telehealth States Served: Pennsylvania, Maryland
Languages: English, Mandarin
Primary Office Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Telehealth States Served: Pennsylvania
Hi there! I'm Joanne (she/her) and I work with individuals, couples, and all polycule orientations. I work with adults on topics like identity exploration, relationship styles, safe sex, or body image. I am LGBTQIA+ affirming, sex-positive, and am equipped to support those with sexual concerns.
Languages: English
Primary Office Location: Millbrae, California
Primary Office Location: Seattle, Washington
Telehealth States Served: Washington, Colorado
I am a South Asian therapist who believes in reshaping conversations and creating a space where you can feel heard, understood, and validated. My goal as your therapist is to build a space where you can feel validated and affirmed in exploring your authentic self without feeling judged!
Languages: English, Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi
Primary Office Location: New York, New York
Primary Office Location: Pasadena, California
Asian Mental Health Collective