US Therapist Directory

Welcome to the Asian American Therapist Directory. It is our hope that this resource helps facilitate your search for a therapist.

AMHC is always growing this list to better serve those who are looking for therapy.

If you are a professional mental health care provider, you can join the directory below.
Primary Office Location: Richfield, Minnesota
Telehealth States Served: Minnesota
Sarah Kosterlitz (she/her) is a Licensed Graduate Social Worker (LGSW) with a master’s degree from Augsburg University. She is excited to be working with you on your wellness journey! She primarily works with 18+, adoptees, BIPOC and LGBTQ+ identifying individuals.
Languages: English
Primary Office Location: Rochester, New York
Telehealth States Served: New York
Welcome. Thank you for choosing a "full circle" experience as you bravely enter therapy.
Languages: English
Primary Office Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Telehealth States Served: Georgia
I work with diverse clients—including LGBTQ+/queer individuals, and those in non-traditional relationships—on issues like self-esteem, trauma, intimacy, sexuality, spirituality, life transitions, minority stress, and grief.
Primary Office Location: Dallas, Texas
Primary Office Location: San Antonio, Texas
Primary Office Location: San Diego, California
Telehealth States Served: California
Primary Office Location: New York, New York
Primary Office Location: Irvine, California
Primary Office Location: Fresno, California
Telehealth States Served: California
Languages: English
Primary Office Location: Hartford, Connecticut
Telehealth States Served: Connecticut
Feeling stuck? It can be hard to admit you’re struggling. You’ve already taken a big step by seeking out help. School, career, family, and relationships can all be sources of stress. You don't have to do it alone. Please reach out for a free 15 minute telehealth session.
Languages: English
Asian Mental Health Collective